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Mensaje  LightTer Sáb Abr 25, 2009 5:44 pm

Cuando se craftea un item, hay una chance de que el artesano pueda crear 2 items de un craft, o que el item creado sea un "Foundation Item". Un Foundation Item puede ser refinado en un "Masterwork Item" por el Blacksmith of Mammon.
Las habilidades aplicadas a el Masterwork Item es diferetente, basada en el tipo de item. A continuacion la guia con las habilidades aplicadas a las armas.

Grado S80

(Requiere 7 Mammon Varnish Enhancer)
Dynasty Ancient Sword - Great Gale (Incrementa Attack Speed)
Dynasty Bagh-Nakh - Great Gale (Incrementa Attack Speed)
Dynasty Blade - Great Gale (Incrementa Attack Speed)
Dynasty Bow - Great Gale (Incrementa Attack Speed)
Dynasty Crossbow - Great Gale (Incrementa Attack Speed)
Dynasty Crusher - Great Gale (Incrementa Attack Speed)
Dynasty Cudgel - Landslide (Chance de Stunear)
Dynasty Halberd - Earth (Incrementa HP maximo)
Dynasty Knife - Great Gale (Incrementa Attack Speed)
Dynasty Mace - Earth (Increases HP maximo)
Dynasty Phantom - Wisdom (Increases MP maximo)
Dynasty Rapier - Earth (Increases HP maximo)
Dynasty Sword - Earth (Increases HP maximo)
Dynasty Staff - Holy Spirit (Incrementa cantidad de vida por curacion)
Icarus Disperser - Confusion (Incrementa Evasion)
Icarus Hammer - Earth (Increases HP maximo)
Icarus Hand - Destruction (Incrementa P.Atk.)
Icarus Heavy Arms - Thunder (Incrementa posibilidad de Critical Attack)
Icarus Sawsword - Destruction (Increases P.Atk)
Icarus Shooter - Concentration (Incrementa Accuracy)
Icarus Spirit - Earth (Increases MP maximo)
Icarus Spitter - Concentration (Incrementa Accuracy)
Icarus Stinger - Destruction (Increases P.Atk.)
Icarus Wingblade - Thunder (Incrementa posibilidad de Critical Attack)
Icarus Trident - Lightning (Incrementa posiblidad de Critical)
Grado S

(requiere 5 Mammon Varnish Enhancer)

Angel Slayer - Concentration (Incrementa Accuracy)
Arcana Mace - Nature (Increases MP maximo)
Basalt Battlehammer - Earth - (Incrementa Accuracy)
Demon Splinter - Lightning (Incrementa el impacto critico)
Draconic Bow - Lightning (Increases HP maximo)
Dragon Hunter Axe - Lightning (Incrementa posibilidad de critico)
Forgotten Blade - Thunder (incrementa posibilidad de critical attack)
Gram - Lightning (Incrementa posiblidad de critical)
Heaven's Divider - Lightning (Incrementa el critical attack impact)
Imperial Staff - Nature (Incrementa MP maximo)
Laevateinn - Thunder (Incrementa posiblidad de critical)
Saint Spear - Destruction (Incrementa P.Atk.)
Sarunga - Earth (Incrementa HP maximo)
Grado A

(requiere 3 Mammon Varnish Enhancer)
Barakiel's Axe - On Fire (Incrementa HP)
Behemoht's Tuning Fork - Destruction (Incrementa P.Atk.)
Blood tornado - Destruction (Incrementa P.Atk.)
Bloody Orchid - Confusion (Incrementa Evasion)
Branch of the Mother Tree - Nature (Incrementa MP Maximo)
Bultgang - Earth (Incrementa HP Maximo)
Cabrio's Hand - Cleverness (Incrementa regeneracion de MP)
Carnage Bow - Concentration (Incrementa Accuracy)
Daimon Crystal - Wisdom (Decrece el consumo MP)
Dark Legion - Lightning (Incrementa el impacto de critical attack)
Dasparion's Staff - Hail (Incrementa M.Atk)
Destroyer Hammer - Thunder (Incrementa posibilidad de critical attack)
Divine Pain - Concentration (Incrementa Accuracy)
Doom Crusher - Lightning (Incrementa el impacto critico)
Doomchanter - Concentration (Incrementa Accuracy)
Dragon Grinder - Earth (Increases HP Maximo)
Dragon Slayer - Evil Spirit (Absorbe HP al atacar)
Eclair Bijou - Landslide (Chance de stunear cuando ataca)
Elemental Sword - Hail (Incrementa M.Atk.)
Elysian - Great Gale (Incrementa Atk. Spd.)
Flaming Dragon Skull - Wisdom (Increases regeneracion de HP)
Halberd - Thunder (Incrementa posiblidad de critical attack)
Infernal Master - Concentration (Incrementa Accuracy)
Lacerator - Lightning (Incrementa el impacto critico)
Meteor Shower - Earth (Increases MP Maximo)
Naga Storm - Molar (tiene una chande de meter poison cuando ataca)
Screaming Vengeance - Concentration (Incrementa Accuracy)
Shyeed's Bow - Concentration (Incrementa Accuracy)
Sirra's Blade - Landslide (Chance de Stunear)
Sobekk's Hurricane - Landslide (Chance de Stun cuando ataca)
Soul Bow - Clairvoyance (Incrementa rango de Ataque)
Soul Seperator - On Fire (Incrementa regeneracion HP)
Spiritual Eye - Hail (Incrementa M.Atk.)
Sword of Ipos - Earth - (Incrementa HP maximo)
Sword of Miracles - Holy Spirit (Incrementa cantidad de vida por curacion)
Tallum Blade - Destruction (Incrementa P.Atk.)
Tallum Glaive - On Fire (Incrementa regeneracion HP)
Themis' Tongue - Cleverness (Incrementa regeneracion MP)
Tiphon's Spear - Landslide (Chance de stunear cuando ataca)
Undertaker - Evil Spirit (Absorbe HP cuando ataca)
White Lightning - Destruction (Incrementa P.Atk.)
Grado B

(requiere 1 Mammon's Varnish Enhancer)
Anthro Nail - Destruction (Incrementa P.Atk)
Art of Battle Axe - Landslide (tiene chance de stunear)
Bellion Cestus - Great Gale (Incrementa Atk. Speed)
Bow of Peril - Earth (Increases HP Maximo)
Colichemarde - Earth (Incrementa HP maximo)
Dark Elven Long Bow - Concentration (Incrementa accuracy
Deadman's Glory - Landslide (tiene una chance de stunear)
Demon Dagger - Great Gale (Incrementa Atk. Speed)
Dismantler - Great Gale (Incrementa Atk. Speed)
Great Axe - Lightning (Incrementa el efecto de critico)
Great Sword - Thunder (Incrementa la posiblidad de critical attack)
Guardian Sword - Great Gale (Incrementa Atk. Speed)
Heavy War Axe - Earth (Incrementa HP Maximo)
Hell Hound - Earth (Incrementa HP Maximo)
Hell Knife - Confusion (Incrementa Evasion)
Ice Storm Hammer - Thunder (Incrementa posibilidad de critical attack)
Innominate Victory - Thunder (Incrementa posiblidad de critico)
Kaim Vanul's Bones - Earth (Incrementa HP Maximo)
Keshanberk - Destruction (Incrementa P.Atk)
Kris - Confusion (Incrementa Evasion)
Lance - Earth (Incrementa HP Maximo)
Military Fleuret - Destruction (Incrementa P.Atk)
Peacemaker - Concentration (Incrementa accuracy)
Sword of Damascus - Earth (Increase HP Maximo)
Sword of Valhalla - Nature (Incrementa MP Maximo)
Spellbreaker - Hail (Incrementa M.Atk)
Sprite's Staff - Hail (Incrementa M.Atk)
Staff of Evil Spirits - Holy Spirit (Incrementa cantidad de vida por curacion)
Star Buster - Great Gale (Incrementa Atk. Speed)
Wizard's Tear - On Fire (Incrementa poder de recuperacion de MP)


Mensajes : 44
Fecha de inscripción : 21/04/2009

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